Taller Martí­nez


  • Client: Taller Martí­nez
  • Year: 2012 - 2015

Taller Martinez is a company founded in 1964 that provides agricultural services, which has also been innovative and pioneer in different industry areas, such as the introduction of the precision agriculture services in Uruguay.


Due to its growth and development, the need to professionalize their image and communication style was generated.


In order to carry out the development of their identity, we worked in two fundamental concepts for the company, their experience and their bond with the technological advancements.
A modern design structure with typographies suggestive of a retro style, a color scheme that refers directly to the fields with greens and yellows, and clear creative messages that mention their achievements, investigation and innovation.


Regarding their 50th birthday, we´ve created an institutional video that showed a brief par of their history, starting on their beginnings. With three generations as its main protagonists, the past, present and future vision of the company is recounted.


In a market where communication is lineal and where companies don’t usually take advantage from each other on a communication level, we tried to break with that style of advertisements, creating ads with a bigger hold on people´s memory through captivating messages and design, that make the receiver think for an instant.